WordList Letter - M

Mahou - Magic, sorcery, witchcraft, also maho shojo (ie mahou shoujo or majokko), in english = magical girls, it is a popular sub-genre of japanese fantasy anime and manga, think... Sailor Moon.

Mahoutsukai - Magician, sorcerer, witch, wizard.

Mamono - Demon, devil, ghost, goblin, apparition.

Maou - Devil, also the name of a popular suspense, drama, romance japanese series.

Masaka - It can't be!. an expression of disbelief, it can also be "No way!", "You can't be serious.", ”As if!” or ”Wanna bet?” depending on context or circunstances.

Mata ne! - See you. Literally: "Again, ok?"/"Until later then?".

Megami - A Goddess (any goddess). If one refers to or addresses a goddess the honorific "-sama" is attached to it. as opposed to Kami (god!), comes from the notion of spirits and deities from the shinto faith.

Minna/Minna-san - Everyone, everybody. Used to refer to or to address a group of people, but is sometimes also said "Minna-san" which is a more formal, respective term.

Mizu - Water. [Sailor Moon]: "Mizuno Ami" although it is a name literally means Ami of water.

Mononoke - Ghost, spirit, monster.

Mo - Already, soon, also. Mo can have a lot of meanings depending on the context. Used on its own, at the beginning or more rarely at the end of a sentence, it is an expression of frustration. Mostly used by women. It is difficult to translate directly. English equivalent could be: "That's enough!" or "I have had enough of this!"