WordList Letter - D

Daijoubu (da) - All right, Ok, I'm okay or It's okay.. Can be used both as a question and an answer. "Daijoubo? Hai, Daijoubu." Are you Ok? Yes, I'm Ok.

Dame - No good, useless, impermissable, unacceptable. A common expression to indicate that something is either useless or impermissable is "Dame da","Dame yo," "Dame da" or "Dame!" can be used in informal situations.

Dare - Who. "Dare da?" translates as: "Who is there?", DareDare means so and so or such and such.

Doko? - Where? When hiragana "e" is used as a particle, it is written in hiragana as "he." so Doko e=Where to?

Domo Arigatou Gozaimusu - Thank you very much. Used in formal speech (If you want to express a greater-than-normal degree of gratitude). In informal speech abbriviated to "Domo Arigatou" or simply "Domo". this being the easiest phrase of gratitude, "Domo" is an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you. It's a short, convenient, and yet polite phrase of gratitude that can be used in any context.