WordList Letter - Z

Zakkenayo - Exclamatory phrase that means "don't mess with me!" "Stop messing around!" or "Stop fooling around" and its a bit harsh. It comes from the phrase "Fuzakeru Nai Yo". As you can see, it is just a shortened version of "Fuzakeru". I have seen this term translated as "Don't F**K with me!" but I think that would depend more on the tone and the circumstances, because "Fuzakeru" is actually better translated as "fool around" or "joke around".

Zama Miro - Informal phrase meaning "serves you right!" or "you had it coming!" and can imply a "in your face!" type of comeback, "Zama" is from "bu-zama" meaning sort of bad-appearance and "Miro" means look. Literally then this is "Just take a lot at yourself (your bad appearance)"

Zannen Nagara - Colloquial phrase used to express regret, such as sympathy when something bad has happened. It can also be used playfully such as "Nyah! Nyah! Too bad for you!" or "zannen nagara, pi-man o zenbu tabenasai." > "It's a cryin shame, but eat all your veggies!"

Zen In - Common phrase that means,"everyone" or "all the people mentioned". I have included this word because I could not find it anywhere spelled the way it sounded..... this is common as you probably know.

Zurakaru - Exclamatory phrase meaning "let's scram!" or "let's get the hell outta here!"

Zurui - Expression used when someone thinks someone is playing dirty or unfair. The normal phrase is "Zurui shita !" which means, "You cheated !" or "You played dirty !" and "zurui yo ne!" which means, "Isn't he a sly/cunning!".